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Delhi University MCA Previous Year Questions (PYQs)

Delhi University MCA DU Mathematics PYQ

Delhi University MCA PYQ
The system of linear equations  has

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
Delhi University 2019 Question Paper

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
DU MCA Question 2019

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The complex number  is the root of the quadratic equation with real coefficients

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The locus of the point (α, β) such that the line y = αx + β, become a tangent to the hyperbola  9x- 4x = 36, is

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
Which of the following is not correct statement?

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
Let T = R3→R3 be a linear transformation defined by T(x,y,x) = (x-y, y-z, z-x). If rank(T) = ρ and nulity(T)=

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The area (in squares units) of the quadrilateral formed by the tangent lines drawn to the ellipse  at the ends of its two latus rectums is

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
Let V=M2(R) denote the vector space 2x2 matrices with real entries over the field. Let T:V→V be defined by T(P) = Pt for any P∈V, where Pt is the transpose of P. If E is the matrix representation of T with respect to the standard basis of V the det(E) is equal to 

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The equation 2x2 + y2 - 12x - 4y + 16 = 0 represents

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
If f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + x + 1 has a local maxima value 3 at the point of local maxima x = - 2, then f(2) is equal to :

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
If the Newton-Raphson method is applied to find a real root of  f(x) = 2x2 + x - 2 = 0 with initial approximation x0 = 1. Then the second approximation xis

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The equation of common tangent to the curve y2 = 8x and xy = - 1 is

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The greatest value of the function  y = sin x . sin2x on (-∞, +∞)

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
Let f(x) = sin8x + cos8x. Then the function f increases in the interval

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The area of the plane region by the curves x + 2y2 = 0 and x + 3y2 = 1 above x axis is equal to 

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2019 PYQ


Delhi University MCA PYQ
The perimeter of the loop of the curve 9y= (x-y)(x-5)2

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Delhi University MCA PYQ

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Delhi University MCA Previous Year PYQDelhi University MCA DU MCA 2020 PYQ


Let U and V be vector spaces. 
Then they are isomorphic iff there is a bijection from a basis of U to a basis of V. 
The isomorphism is the basis changer function.
This means that if U and V are finite-dimensional vector spaces, they are isomorphic iff dim(U)=dim(V).

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